Tag Dual Talent Specialization

John Barrymore April 02, 2024 4 minutes
Learn about the new Dual Talent Specialization Trainer, Grendag Brightbeard, added in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft Classic. Discover where to find Grendag in Ironforge and Orgrimmar, and be cautious of a combat bug that can cause you to lose gold without learning the dual talent specialization. Note the updates from Blizzard regarding Grendag's availability and location.
John Barrymore April 02, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the addition of the Dual Talent Specialization Trainer, Grendag Brightbeard, in Phase 3 of WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. Players can learn a second talent specialization for 50 gold, but need to avoid purchasing it while in combat to avoid losing the gold without gaining the dual talent. The blog also provides updates on changes to Grendag's location and temporary removal from the game.